I Can and I Will

I Can and I Will

Friday, August 15, 2014

Realistically Optimistic

By definition, pessimisim is a way of looking at life in a predominantly negative light. Optimisim, on the other hand, is a way of looking at life in a predeminantly positive light. The classic conondrum of pessimism and optimism is the philosophical question of... 
Is the glass half-empty? Or is the glass half-full?

I am neither pessimistic or optimistic. What I am is realistically optimistic.

What I mean by that is simply that when I look at the glass what I see is a glass with something in it. I don't focus on whether it is half-empty or half-full of that something. I focus on the content of the glass. I focus on that something.

For example: I have been through a lot and as of yet there is no definitive reason behind the recurrent infections I've had in my leg. At some point near the very beginning of things I stopped saying, "whew it's over." I stopped allowing my hopes to get too high. Not because I was being pessimistic, but because I was being realistic. I have always held onto hope that things were indeed over and life could finally begin to become normal again but also have always been acutely aware that infection can strike me again at any moment and without warning as it has proven so many times in the past. Does this mean that I am constantly on edge just waiting for the next one to emerge? No. It simply means that I realize that until several years have passed without any infections at all, there are decent odds of it happening again. I choose to live my life each day as though it is over for good without constant worry but due to past experiences I can not allow myself to fully believe that there is no more hell to come. I have had my hopes high and subsequently crushed far too many times before.

I tend to see the good in things, even the worst of things. I choose to learn from experiences. I choose to find the humor in situations. I choose to believe that all things happen as they are meant to happen and that one day the reason or reasons will be revealed to me. I choose to acknowledge the realistic views on things as well.

I don't think that in the end it really matters whether or not that dumb glass is half-empty or half-full. Personally, I feel the argument is a pointless one. I think that what truly matters is what is in the glass. You can argue forever over the condondrum of half-empty or half-full and never get anywhere. If you focus instead on the content of the glass, you will get everywhere. The optimistic part of who I am chooses to believe that the content of the glass is something good but the realistic part of who I am acknowledges that that might not be the case.

This world benefits greatly from the mix of optimism and pessimism. I think that it also benefits greatly from those like myself who factor realism into the equation and perhaps somtimes, it would benefit greater if there were more of us focusing on the content of the glass instead of the emptiness or fullness of it.

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